27. Military DMED: Stunning 2021 Spikes in 44 mRNA “Vaccine” Caused Diseases
mRNA “Vaccines” Caused Stunning 2021 Spikes in 44 Diseases that Couldn’t Have Been Caused by COVID-19 that Raged in 2020
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August 23, 2023
Analysis of the highly respected US Department of Defense (DoD) DMED medical database provides the best measure of the Stunning 2021 Spikes in 44 Specific Disease diagnoses following mRNA “Vaccine” roll-out. DMED contains de-identified data for nearly 1.4 Million active-duty service members - who tend to be younger and healthier than average.
These Stunning 2021 Spikes in 44 diseases were not caused by COVID-19. If COVID-19 was the cause then the Spikes should have started in 2020 when the worst COVID raged. There were no 2020 Spikes in any of the 44 diseases, which conclusively invalidates COVID as the cause of the 2021 Spikes. Please see the following Post V. 28. Military DMED: Minimal 2020 Increases in 44 “Vaccine” Diseases while COVID-19 Raged.
Military Physician Whistleblowers Found Spikes Consistent with Experience
Military Physicians observed shocking increases Specific Diseases in 2021 following mRNA “Vaccine” rollout and mandates. Three senior officer Physicians analyzed DoD’s active-duty DMED database and discovered Stunning 2021 Spikes in diagnoses of diseases compared to 2016-2020 Baselines. They found Stunning Spikes only in diseases Specifically known to be caused by mRNA “Vaccines”. The Spikes were in a range from 100% to more than 1,000% (with 1,158% for Diseases of the Nervous System, for example).
At great risk to themselves and their careers, the three Senior Military Physicians became Whistleblowers after rebuffs from their chains of command. Their shocking DMED results were presented in public on January 24, 2022, to Senator Ron Johnson. Please go to our separate Substack: Validate Whistleblower DMED Medical Data for Active-Duty Military for detailed background and analysis that Validates the Whistleblower DMED data and exposes DoD’s “Manipulated” data as a FRAUD.
The Stunning 2021 Spikes were compared to average Baselines for 2016-2020. The Baselines are Strikingly Consistent with the clinical experience of the Whistleblowers and their military physician colleagues. The DMED data shows Stunning 2021 Spikes in many Specific Diseases caused by mRNA “Vaccines” above the much lower levels for 2016-2020 (and earlier). For example:
EXAMPLE: Total Cardiovascular Diseases – 531% Spike in 2021
Annual Diagnoses Spiked to 128,482 in 2021 from a 20,357 average Baseline for 2016-2020.
After mRNA “Vaccines” were rolled out and mandated for active-duty military, the Whistleblowers found a Stunning 531% Spike in Total Cardiovascular Disease Diagnoses for 2021 vs the 2016-2020 Baseline.
Six Categories of DMED Results are presented below with links to detailed results for each category:
Cardiovascular Diseases
Neuromuscular and Skeletal Systems
Reproductive System and Birth
Mental Health and Metabolic Function
Narcolepsy and Cataplexy
Validate Whistleblower DMED Medical Data for Active-Duty Military
DoD clumsily attempted to protect the “Narrative” that mRNA “Vaccines” are “Safe” by discrediting the Stunning 2021 Spikes. They Fabricated a story about a “just discovered” and unprecedented “Glitch” in the DMED database from 2016 through 2020 – not 2021 and not 2015 and earlier. DoD claimed to have “fixed” the “Glitch” and dramatically Boosted the 2016-2020 Baselines for Specific Serious Diseases to the levels found in 2021. The previously Stunning 2021 Spikes over the Original Baselines were eliminated because of the much higher newly Manipulated Baselines. However, the new Manipulated Baselines created serious new issues that destroyed their credibility. For example, they imply that active-duty military were inconceivably unhealthy starting with a Stunning Spike in 2016 and continuing to 2021 – and no one noticed! Please go to our separate Substack: Validate Whistleblower DMED Medical Data for Active-Duty Military for detailed background and analysis that Validates the Whistleblower DMED data and exposes DoD’s “Manipulated” data as a FRAUD.
Cardiovascular Diseases - Stunning 2021 Spikes Compared to Baselines
mRNA “Vaccines” are known to cause a variety of Cardiovascular Diseases. The Whistleblowers discovered Stunning 2021 Spikes in Cardiovascular Disease Diagnoses compared to 2016-2020 Baselines:
531% Spike in Total Cardiovascular Diseases
448% Spike in Acute Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
461% Spike in Pulmonary Embolism (Lung Blood Clot)
2,638% Spike in Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
265% Spike in Diseases of the Blood
142% Spike in Disease of the Arteries
331% Spike in Cerebral Infarction (Stroke)
262% Spike in Tachycardia (Increased Heart Rate)
94% Spike in Acute Pericarditis (Heart “Sac” Swelling)
348% Spike in Nontraumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (Brain Bleed)
230% Spike in Acute Myocarditis (Heart Inflammation)
Cancers - Stunning 2021 Spikes Compared to Baselines
mRNA “Vaccines” are known to accelerate and possibly trigger cancers. The Whistleblowers discovered Stunning 2021 Spikes in Cancer Diagnoses compared to 2016-2020 Baselines:
256% Spike in Total Cancer Diagnoses
543% Spike in Breast Cancers
649% Spike in Digestive Organ Malignant Neoplasms
342% Spike in Testicular Cancers
468% Spike in Thyroid and Endocrine Cancers
319% Spike in Malignant Neuroendocrine Tumors
973%in Malignant Neoplasms of Esophagus
151% in Ovarian Cancers
Neuromuscular and Skeletal Systems - Stunning 2021 Spikes vs Baselines
mRNA “Vaccines” are known to accelerate and possibly trigger cancers. The Whistleblowers discovered Stunning 2021 Spikes in Neuromuscular and Skeletal System Disease Diagnoses compared to 2016-2020 Baselines:
531% Spike in Total Neuromuscular & Skeletal Systems Diseases
448% Spike in Diseases of the Nervous System
461% Spike in Diseases of the Eye and Adnexa
2,638% Spike in Migraines
265% Spike in Rhabdomyolysis
142% Spike in Eye Disorders
331% Spike in Demyelinating Diseases of the CNS
262% Spike in Multiple Sclerosis
94% Spike in Bell's Palsy
348% Spike in Seizures
230% Spike in Guillain-Bare Syndrome
230% Spike in Acute Transverse Myelitis
Reproductive System and Birth - Stunning 2021 Spikes Compared to Baselines
mRNA “Vaccines” are known to accelerate and possibly trigger cancers. The Whistleblowers discovered Stunning 2021 Spikes in Reproductive System Disease and Birth Diagnoses compared to 2016-2020 Baselines:
239% Spike in Total Reproductive System & Birth Diseases
109% Spike in Congenital Malformations
322% Spike in Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Cramps)
520% Spike in Infertility-Female
371% Spike in Infertility-Male
268% Spike in Spontaneous Abortions
425% Spike in Ovarian Dysfunction
Mental Health and Metabolic Function - Stunning 2021 Spikes vs Baselines
mRNA “Vaccines” are known to accelerate and possibly trigger cancers. The Whistleblowers discovered Stunning 2021 Spikes in Mental Health and Metabolic Function Disease Diagnoses compared to 2016-2020 Baselines:
1,384% Spike in Total Mental Health & Metabolic Function Diseases
2,738% Spike in Anxiety
410% Spike in Endocrine Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases
728% Spike in Malaise & Fatigue
298% Spike in Thyroid Disorders
264% Spike in Thyroid Dysfunction
248% Spike in Diabetes
469% Spike in Liver Disease
331% Spike in Suicides
Narcolepsy and Cataplexy - Stunning 2021 Spike Compared to Baseline
mRNA “Vaccines” are known to accelerate and possibly trigger cancers. The Whistleblowers discovered Stunning 2021 Spikes in Narcolepsy and Cataplexy Disease Diagnoses compared to 2016-2020 Baselines:
189% Spike in Narcolepsy and Cataplexy
The DMED data shows Stunning 2021 Spikes in 44 Specific Diseases caused by mRNA “Vaccines” above the much lower levels for 2016-2020 (and earlier).
Validate Whistleblower DMED Medical Data for Active-Duty Military
Please go to our separate Substack for detailed background and analysis that Validates the Whistleblower DMED data and exposes DoD’s “Manipulated” data as a FRAUD.